Biafra Is Not Call For War But Quest For Good Life
People of the defunct Biafra in Old Eastern Nigeria remember their heroes who died during the 1967-1970 Civil May 30 but today a sit-at-home order was made by the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) on Monday, May 31.
NewsMonitor saw this write up by anonymous citizen and published for your reading pleasure
Biafra Is Not Call For War But Quest For Good Life
I have read a number write-ups where people accuse me of asking for war and they how use war situations and images scarecrow, but my question is, who is asking for war ?
I wish these alarmists could devote equal energy on writing on peace building, justice, equity and ethos of an ideal society.
What I am asking for is to live in a peaceful society which provides the environment for me to be the best I can be.
A society where my fellow patriots will live comfortably as bona-fide citizens and call their own home, where youths would not have to suffer to save all that would enough to pay for their flight to foreign land where they would get better education, good diet, functional and affordable amenities..
A place they would enjoy security of life and property.
I want a society, where there will be respect and recognition for one another’s right to life and identities.
I wish these ‘peace writers’ can write that the sole purpose of government existence is for the protection of its citizen at a time when it is hazardous to travel by the road, go to farm, go to school, to live in your homestead.
They should write that the rainbow is the best colour combination on earth because every component; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue Indigo Violet was allowed to contribute it’s beauty.
They tell to start giving merit, excellence, fair pay, positive competition, rule of law, respect for human lives their pride of place and stop venerating nepotism and mediocrity.
In conflict theory, antithesis attacks thesis to evolve synthesis but sadly even those that got upper hand learnt nothing, the 1967-1970 era should have brought the best out of us.
It is sad that a time when the very advanced nations are hosting their flags in Moon and Mars, at a time when global businesses are siting the branches in our neighbour countries, our firms are shutting down for lack of enabling environment.
Rather we are allowing COW to dominate national discuss, Grazing Routes, Cow Settlements, RUGA, Open Grazing.

Who are the owners of the cow and what is the contribution of these cow to national economy, how come they have allowed Cow Supremacy to tear a recuperating country apart.
It is not enough to tell me what led to the death of my forbearers, it is not enough to remind me that suffering and death are likely consequences of war, after all; In The Very Long Run, We Are All Dead’
I am not asking for war, I am only asking for a just and merit based society, where my child doesn’t have to score 138 points to enter the gate which your child need just 10 enter.
“A society where jobs meant for our children will not be reserved for your own children alone because you killed my father and starved my uncles and aunties.
I am asking for a society where my people will not be going out to Conquer The World As Global Citizens, yet they can’t occupy a merited position without getting it on tokenism in their homeland.
A society where I will not start a career knowing from inception that I can never get to the top no matter how hard I work because you defeated my father in a fight many generation ago.
Quest for an equitable society is not a call for war, they are the ones threatening me with war
It started waving of flag, they shot directly at defenseless me and killed some of me.
I gathered to pray in a school, they rounded me up and shot lethally at me leaving some of me dead.
I was having a meeting in a school compound, they claimed they discovered where I was hibernating and unprovokedly, they shot and killed some of me and away went with their bodies.
They harass me continually, my youths are made swim in muddy waters without any reason, the humiliation is much, just because they won my father in war.

All you Peace Mongers and War Scarecrow Writers, you not would see, hear nor write any of that.
A conference was held and a document produced on how we can peacefully cohabit, you said you won’t look at it because I have inherited the defeat of my father.
Rather, you see me as your property, you want to own my farm, own my compound, own the water that flows at the back of my house just because cows have the right to go anywhere anytime.
You say it is provided for in the Constitution, a Constitution you and I did not sit and write together.
I am not asking for war, I am asking for good life
I agree that my father surrendered but I also remember that he told you to treat me well or we, his children will rise and ask questions.
Are you surprised that the more you kill them, the tougher they become ?
Don’t Give Me War, Don’t Give Me Peace, Just Give Me Justice And Good Life
Happy Biafran Day